Ben, It’s now October 12, 2024. I just subscribed from reading your pasts—ki da think it’s time for a present and possibly even a little flash of the future! What say you? Oh, by the way, if you pass this way again (snark time), check out my newsletter!
This post left me with a feeling I haven’t had in years, maybe in forever. I actually want to watch a baseball game??
Ben, It’s now October 12, 2024. I just subscribed from reading your pasts—ki da think it’s time for a present and possibly even a little flash of the future! What say you? Oh, by the way, if you pass this way again (snark time), check out my newsletter!
Not so much a baseball fan but I hear what you are saying nonetheless.
Im winter. Ben, love your Articles. Rant on.
I do too.
Ben, I love this!!
love this
I must admit romance and baseball seem unlikely bedfellows. Who would have thought?!